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Jaye is an Intuitive energy channel and a certified Reiki Master Teacher.
She taps into the Angelic & Spiritual realms that offer a deep sense of peace and unconditional love
to heal energy centers  that may be blocked from past traumas.
As an empath, she has a natural gift of understanding pain, both physical and emotional.
It wasn’t until later in life that she discovered the physical symptoms/emotions experienced were not all hers.
This was a path to energy work that continues to inspire her today.
Jaye also uses her gifts of clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience to provide intuitive guidance to your life’s journey.
Modalities can include sound healing, as well as symbols, colors, and crystals to clear the auric field/
subtle bodies.

Empowerment is an area of focus for those interested in energy healing.
There are those who give away their power willingly or know the gifts we have available to us all.
It’s just a process of remembering.
We experience this dimension as a baby version of our soul who has forgotten the innate power and gifts within us.

Even those who were fortunate enough to grow up in a loving/supportive home and are unfamiliar with trauma;
a desire exists for a deeper understanding of our purpose and meaning.

Everyone’s experience with energy healing is unique; most common outcome is calm, relaxation, and pain relief.
Being in balance can help you align with your true purpose in life.

Please contact via e-mail:
for questions about holistic energy healing, intuition development, or intuitive readings.