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Worry was my middle name.
It still resurfaces from time to time… and all of us are affected by what’s happening around the world one way or another.
This is a turning point for mother earth to take a breath and for us to focus on what really matters.
For many, who took the time to reflect, may have experienced a deeper knowing as to who you really are.
Who are we? We are a shining light from Source in a manner of self-expression to contribute our talents, share knowledge, and be on this beautiful planet to learn.
All of us have this light inside of us, whether it’s during a form of prayer or meditation can we truly know a fraction of that light from which we come.
We are not here to hoard, consume, or manipulate.
As we discover our light, we give, contribute, and love those around us.
Money is energy, it’s used as an equal exchange for the things we want and need… It’s pieces of paper and numbers that make life possible for most of us; it makes us afraid that we’re running out, and wonder what if…
It is my hope that we come to an understanding of abundance.
When we give without expectation, life gives back to us in one form or another; when we just take, you’ll attract those who only take from you.
Those of you experiencing challenges now, remember the moment when you overcame challenges that you thought were impossible. We can and will get through this.
Discover the light within your own heart during these stressful times; you will feel free.

Love & light!