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New Adventure

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It takes great courage to live your truth and follow your dreams.
Are you working in a soul-sucking, spirit-crushing job that has no meaning? What steps are you taking to pursue a path that will bring you joy?
Some people spend more time on their jobs than being with loved ones or working on unrewarding projects which makes them unhappy.
A path to what you love doing is available to us all, and waking up in the morning doesn’t need to be such drudgery.
Risk can be scary. It’s the reason why we stay in jobs we don’t like for perceived security and certainty.
There is an unlimited abundance for everyone. We all have talents and gifts to offer this world.

Recently, a friend created pet toys to sell online and to local stores, including veterinary clinics.
They love the products and it’s truly made with enthusiasm, love, and care. When something is made or done out of passion, it won’t feel like work.
Let’s live this life with purpose.
What is your dream?