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Nerd up

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For those not familiar with Doctor Who; there is an episode called “extremis” on series 10, part one played by Peter Capaldi.
It’s wondrous how fiction explains the realities of life in the most extraordinary way.
We all may have a different belief system of what life is, which is fine; I just wanted to share with everyone how life is very similar to that episode–call it a dream, video game, or virtual reality.
We are on this plane to learn a soul lesson. We are in this school called life, and the theme is about love, faith, hope, generally speaking. However, it is our deeds that we take with us when our course is over. Our thoughts and deeds have a tremendous impact on those around us. It’s not just looking out for number one, or our immediate family. We are all interconnected. Let’s make our deeds count.

Love & light!