We all have and use our intuition as we live our lives.
For those of you who are aware and in tune with your growing gifts, the new energies coming to earth are giving it more life to integrate what we already possess.
The only challenge is that when there’s an emotional charge for desired outcomes, stress, or anxiety, it can hamper or distort the way we receive information.
From personal experience, when you’re having a moment of difficulties; it’s important for someone to hold space for you while you navigate through the experience without judgment.
Give yourself some time to sit with the experience/emotion. When you give it some space, you’d be surprised by the answers that come through.
It’s not easy for anyone to sit with an unpleasant emotion; through practice and repetition, it became my preferred method to release energies that do not need to stay in my body longer than necessary.
You can ask your higher self/soul where it’s coming from. Why am I triggered?
Repressed emotions can hurt us in the long run.
By using our own intuition, we have the tools to work out our stuff.
Try meditation; the answers you receive may surprise you.
Love & light!