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This message feels a bit uneasy.
Money is such a highly charged subject, and it can be a trigger for some people.
There isn’t a specific timeline; however, I’ve heard from my guides that energy will be the new form of currency, rather than paper and ethereal value (NFTs) we place in what we call money. We give a piece of paper and numbers value, and that’s how we live in this 3D world. I just found this information interesting…
It’s not good or bad, money in itself is energy. Giving it value doesn’t make us shallow; it helps us while we’re here.
The driving force for it and power fueled by intelligence alone is dangerous. Unless we are connected to our emotions and how it affects others, giving priority to intelligence alone can be disappointing, to say the least. The world unfolding before us, driven by different goals in people with authority (parent, teachers, boss, and so on), I’m looking forward to seeing how we will evolve.

Love & light.