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Spiritual Fair

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Metaphysical & Wellness fair will be this holiday weekend, July 6th through 7th at the Seaside Convention Center in Oregon from 11-6 pm.70 plus vendors are offering in-person services as well as metaphysical supplies.Enjoy the beach weather and some fun!

Working with Crystals

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Crystals and their essence is something I discovered later when I started energy work. I feel their aliveness when I hold on to each piece as it pulses in my hand. And I’m often amazed by how they interact with us. It’s not a quick fix or an easy answer to solve complexities we deal with, such as life; however, they amplify and aid in our efforts to heal and… Read More »Working with Crystals

MeWe Fair

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I am looking forward to offering in-person services at the Double Tree Hilton in Portland, OR on March 25th and 26th, 11-5 pm. There will be other Readers, Healers, and crystal vendors for you to choose from.

Fair in February

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Please stop by if you’re nearby Eugene, Oregon Lane Events Center. Feb 11th and 12th from 11 am–7 pm. There will be in-person services for readings, healings, and vendors with metaphysical supplies. Love & light.


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The sun and moon being in Libra, we come to focus on relationships, balance, and what they mean to us.What gives relationships meaning? It could be a brief interaction with another person or a long-term/life-long interaction that offers the most growth opportunities. Families can challenge us the most. Learning to say no as well as establishing boundaries were/are one of my difficult lessons when it comes to relationships in general.Find… Read More »Relationships


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There is a collective wave of people awakening to their spiritual nature. Life has made it necessary for us to shift our energy from the known to uncertainty. We can no longer use distractions regarding our need to change or consume things to forget. It sounds vague, however, this is how it’s coming across. Work, relationships, and where we live are the most obvious markers in terms of changes; if… Read More »Introspection

Cosmic Question

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Life is a reflection of us. How is going so far?Introspection at this level takes a strong stomach when distractions and avoidance seem like an easier solution. My big question is: what existed before the big bang? If there was nothing and then everything came into existence, how did this come about?What are you passionate about? What brings you joy? What would you like to change most at this moment?How… Read More »Cosmic Question

Raise Your Vibration

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As an analogy, the way a sound can be measured as high or low, our frequencies can be measured. Not in terms of judgment, it’s just a way of being in a given moment. To raise your vibe, try the following conscious practices: *Becoming aware of spiraling thoughts that are not helpful or critical. Allow them to pass through if necessary, rather than using distractions or denying it altogether. *Connecting… Read More »Raise Your Vibration


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Whether you get annoyed with someone or traits you admire in a person, it’s a reflection of what you love about yourself or something you may need to work on. It can be difficult to be around someone that really gets under your skin; when you have space to place awareness on what is bringing this about, this can shed light on something within you that is coming forward to… Read More »Mirror


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Since I started writing out what I value, priorities and projects are becoming more clear. Time: What is my priority at this moment? Who am I spending my time with? I’m experiencing frequent time-compression, where I wake up in the morning, and shortly thereafter it’s time for sleep again in a span of what feels like an hour. So spending my time in a constructive way has become a new… Read More »Values