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New Energies

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The energy felt on the planet these past two months have been exhilarating and exhausting. We are up-leveling so rapidly that proper rest and grounding ourselves are highly recommended. Another subject highlighted is the awareness of our divine being. There is a wave of people who are learning about self-respect, following their hearts, and living the life they desire, which is the embodiment of empowerment. Through sharing, loving, and serving… Read More »New Energies


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This message feels a bit uneasy. Money is such a highly charged subject, and it can be a trigger for some people.There isn’t a specific timeline; however, I’ve heard from my guides that energy will be the new form of currency, rather than paper and ethereal value (NFTs) we place in what we call money. We give a piece of paper and numbers value, and that’s how we live in… Read More »Currency


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There are so many catchphrases to describe spirituality these days.It’s important to exercise individual discernment to know what is truly right for you.When someone mentions what absolute truth is, it sends me running. Not because I’m not open; no one really knows what that means on this plane.People used to think the world was flat, that was the absolute truth in the past; now we know different. There are so… Read More »Spirituality

Your Intuition

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We all have and use our intuition as we live our lives. For those of you who are aware and in tune with your growing gifts, the new energies coming to earth are giving it more life to integrate what we already possess.The only challenge is that when there’s an emotional charge for desired outcomes, stress, or anxiety, it can hamper or distort the way we receive information. From personal… Read More »Your Intuition

Consciousness Shift

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The veil is thinning, where more and more people are waking up to what is true, rather than accepting the lies fed through the outlets. More of us are becoming intuitive in our nature. Soul knowledge is becoming more accessible to us through meditation and writing.It may seem daunting by what is already out there in repetition; to be sure, there are positive changes slowly emerging.When you realize that times… Read More »Consciousness Shift


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Do you find a new job and end up in a familiar situation you don’t care for? Do the relationships (friendships/partners) you’re in exhibit the same dysfunction? We go through this pattern that keeps us comfortable, whether we like it or not.  What causes pain and discomfort keep us in the known which is a fundamental need for certainty. What we think, how we feel, the way we behave and… Read More »Patterns

Words and Deeds

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Giving someone the benefit of doubt, especially those close to us is natural. If you repeatedly endure lies and confusing them with love, this situation can turn toxic at every level. Words become meaningless. Clarity can be gained by a sounding board that is neutral and kind. Who can help you find clarity?Does this person follow through on promises or flake out with an excuse? Is there a balance (not… Read More »Words and Deeds

New Reality

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After a year of reflection; life and its’ meaning has come into hyper focus for a lot of us. Priorities, work, and relationships have gone through changes…As we imagine a new life that is freedom oriented, rather than getting back to normal–What does this freedom look like? How does it feel? Where do you start to create this new reality? Meditation is simple, yet difficult to master and practice regularly… Read More »New Reality


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Worry was my middle name. It still resurfaces from time to time… and all of us are affected by what’s happening around the world one way or another.This is a turning point for mother earth to take a breath and for us to focus on what really matters. For many, who took the time to reflect, may have experienced a deeper knowing as to who you really are. Who are… Read More »Worry

Nerd up

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For those not familiar with Doctor Who; there is an episode called “extremis” on series 10, part one played by Peter Capaldi. It’s wondrous how fiction explains the realities of life in the most extraordinary way. We all may have a different belief system of what life is, which is fine; I just wanted to share with everyone how life is very similar to that episode–call it a dream, video… Read More »Nerd up