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Majority of Jaye’s services will be remote healing/over the phone for the time being.
The first session for those who are new to energy healing or her services, she will go over the process of what you will experience, and address the topics or area of focus.   Intuitive Tarot reading is also available.

The the session will begin by channeling energy to the recipient.
A variety of modalities can be used, including symbols, sound, colors, and crystals.
Then she will close the session with a message from the Angelic realm and any intuitive guidance received during the healing.
This experience can feel as though you’re peeling off layers of unwanted emotions and energy that can help you feel lighter.
Past clients have experienced miracles with energy healing; however, it is not a guarantee. Calm, relaxation from stress, and pain relief are the most common outcomes.

Courses | workshops in Intuition Development, Crystals in Sacred Geometry & Grids, and Empowerment for Women.
This is a fun interactive, supportive environment for expansion and growth.
Crystal reading is also available based on your astrological chart. She will go over dominant elements in your natal chart to determine which stones are best suited to help you on your journey.
It’s another way of balancing your energy.

Group workshop or healing via Skype/Zoom, sign up for an email newsletter in my contact page for date, time, and rates.
Please review terms and conditions | policy on the footer of this page, before processing a payment for your personal appointment. Read more.
When you decide to move forward and a payment is made, she will contact you via text or e-mail with 3 time frames that will work for both parities within 12 to 24 hours.

If you would like to support my work, donations can be sent via
Venmo: @jksunflowers

Intuitive Tarot readings 30 minutes $99.00:

Energy Healing 60 minutes $180.00: