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Jaye’s energy work has helped me with my anxiety as well as my puppy relax.
She also did some remote energy healing for my puppy and he had an amazing response.

Mindy W
Havre, MT

Jaye gets at the heart of what is really going on beyond the physical.
She can tune into higher consciousness to find the blocks, and then explain why and how you
can shift into a better state.
She helped me tremendously when I was feeling stuck in my career and helped me better
understand a family issue that I’ve been struggling with for a few years. She was very enthusiastic
and provided the hope and tools I needed to stay on my path.
I am grateful and highly recommend her services!

Portland, OR

I’ve spoken with Jaye on a few occasions to clear my energy and
she has been incredibly helpful, supportive, and encouraging.
She has a gift with energy work that I’ve never been able to experience before with previous people I’ve seen.
My life has started getting better, and even though I’m still heartbroken, Jaye is really helping me to move forward!
I highly recommend her and have told a few of my friends about her as well.
My life has really changed.
I will continue to see Jaye so that I can balance myself energetically and feel grounded, and get my confidence back!
I really love that she receives messages from guides to remind me that I am supported and loved.

Adreana, Alberta Canada

Earlier this month, I found myself in a very toxic situation with someone I was involved with.
So I turned to Jaye, when I needed help detaching from the drama and energy of that situation.
She led me through a 30 minute process where I was opened up to indescribable healing energy.
At one point, I could see the colors she surrounded me with. It looked like the colors of the rainbow.
Towards the end, I felt as though I had been released and the weight of the world had been lifted.
I also had new clarity and a new sense of direction for my life.
No doubt the person who I disconnected from also felt this–all of a sudden,
she began reaching out to me and tried to be around me again.
Jaye is an amazing healer, mentor, and guide. Her healing is powerful and messages full of insight.
I highly recommend her!

Bob Stahl, Scottsdale AZ

Jaye is not only one of the kindest people I know, she is also one of the most competent.
Her healings, whether she is in the room or far away, have a tremendous impact. She just
gave me a distance healing — I live in California and she is in Oregon — and it took the pain
out of my back and neck and stopped me from trembling due to stress. I felt like a powerhouse
today and got all my errands done AND worked on a website. I would recommend Jaye to
anyone who is ready to feel great.

Misty Day

I want to thank Jaye for the Reiki session she performed on me. The experience was
relaxing and moving. I felt soothed and refreshed. I felt as though I was spelunking
inside myself.
Jaye explained some of what she encountered during our session, such as emotions,
visual cues, and physical sensations.
Shortly after she left, I received a text with one extra bit of information, a time frame.
Her feedback was very insightful. It referenced a critical time when my parents were
getting divorced. I had felt some sense of responsibility, yet needed to take none, I was
just a young boy.
My biggest take away “self-forgiveness,” that’s what Jaye picked up on. She was spot on.
I’ve recommended Reiki to my friends.
Looking forward to the next session!

I have received numerous healings with Jaye within a 5 year period. 
She has a lot of compassion for her clients and she’s very professional. 
It has been my experience that she is responsible and ethical.   
After my healing, pain have left immediately or within a couple of hours, or the same day.
I have had in person healings as well as long distance healings from her; they both produce positive results.
Sometimes I feel my body getting warm.  I know that I am receiving the healing.
My body gets relaxed and I sometimes fall asleep. Jaye is very talented and I highly recommend her services.
Carolyn C
Southern California

My experience with Jaye has always been very uplifting and healing.
She is gentle and compassionate, very sensitive and insightful healer that can be trusted to help you heal.
I highly recommend a healing session with her, as healing is meant to be felt and experienced on your own.
Jaye will help you release stagnant energy that is keeping you from bringing you balance to your life.
I like her integrity in her work and how she connects with others.


Guided by her intuition, Jaye’s healings are of high in integrity with subtle energies packed with light,
unconditional love, compassion, and universal wisdom.

Joseph Moreno